In this lesson, you'll learn how to use CSS to style and animate shapes on your React Leaflet map. We'll use the className prop to add a custom class and add CSS to customize our shapes.
Colby Fayock: [0:00] We're going to start off with a map of Bay Lake, Florida. Here we have a couple shapes on the map, to designate the different Disney parks.
[0:05] Inside the code, we're importing { Map, TileLayer, Polygon, Circle } from 'react-leaflet'. You can also see some of the data we're importing to use on our map. We also have set up our TileLayer and a few shapes to get started. To style our shapes, we are already using props like color, weight and opacity.
[0:21] While the props that React Leaflet provide are great, what if we could use CSS? I like to think as Magic Kingdom is special, so we're going to give it a className of circle-magic-kingdom.
[0:32] Now that we have the CSS class, we can go ahead and open up our CSS file where we're going to add some styles. Because we can add a className to it, we can do whatever we want as long as CSS allows it. Let's try giving it the fill of none, a stroke of red and a stroke-width of 5px.
[0:48] If we look in our browser, we can now see the changes. With CSS, we automatically get access to the hover effect. [inaudible] on hover, we make our stroke-width 15px. To make things a little smoother, we can give it a transition for the stroke-width and let's just say .5 seconds. Again, we can see our changes in the browser.
[1:05] Finally, for the full demonstration of CSS, I created a set of keyframes called MagicKingdom. What it does is loop through different strokes so we can change the color. Let's go ahead and define this animation, add a name, tell it to loop forever, and have each loop last 5 seconds. When we look back in our browser, we can see our looping animation.
[1:22] In review, in order to take advantage of CSS, we added a className to our shape, which allowed us to define our custom styles, even animate it, which gave us a more dynamic look for our shape.
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